The adriatic sea is turning tropical. So no need to fly far anymore if you like warm oceans. But both for fisherman, local flora and fauna that is a huge problem. It’s actually not news, but the Guardian has a very good article on the topic, so it’s reaching main stream news. It sounds worse…
Dark Doldrum Wind Power Killing the Atmosphere
Just a few days ago I met a person in a bar who tried to convince me of the benefits of combustion engines and the dangers of regenerative, green energy. At first he was very sympathetic, an engineer, but the conversation got worse and we stopped, agreeing on “too much negative energy”. His opinion was…
A 747 Burns One Gallon per Second
Flying has always been on the top of the list of harmful things we do to the planet: No food restrictions, vegan life style or similar measures have effects that are even getting close to the potential impact that refraining from flying can have. Here’s the math. As a typical European, you and me are…
Klimakrise: Hilfe, wir brauchen eine Therapie! | ZEIT ONLINE
Klimawandel nagt an Küsten Afrikas und der Niederlande
Klimawandel: Wenn das Meer an Afrikas Küsten nagt | Afrika | DW | 22.07.2022 Callum Munday, Klimawissenschaftler an der Universität von Oxford, erklärt die Hintergründe: “Die Meeresspiegel stehen jetzt so hoch wie nie zuvor. Dies wird durch die Erwärmung des Planeten und das Abschmelzen von mehr Landeis verursacht. Wenn sich das Wasser erwärmt, dehnt es…
Ein Überblick über die verschiedenen Negative-Emissionen-Technologien.
Negative Emissionen: Wie man Kohlendioxid wieder einfängt – Spektrum der Wissenschaft UN: ‘Cutting carbon emissions not enough; Suck Co2 from the air and bury it’ – The Hindu Exploring the Prospects and Impact of Carbon Capture Tech – EETimes
Co2 Pipelines must come – and they do
Co2 Pipelines must come – and they do
I know this is old news but hey, there’s a new study on the climate impact of #hydrogen
Anther tipping point #flogw: plants growing in Antarctica
“The findings suggest we may have reached a tipping point in this fragile, remote ecosystem.”